Using the Toolkit
Welcome to the Studio Teaching Toolkit
This toolkit was developed as part of the Studio Teaching Project with the aim of sharing ideas and practice about the learning and teaching of studio practice in Art, Architecture and Design disciplines. It draws on information and ideas from two National Forums on studio teaching, a review of the literature addressing models of studio practice and assessment, national surveys of studio teaching, and the practice of colleagues in Art, Architecture and Design Schools across Australia.
While there are obvious differences between these disciplines and how their studios are conducted, much of the information provided in the toolkit is relevant to all, and many of the strategies and skills are transferable between them. As such, the content in this section is not grouped according to discipline.
The content has a practical focus and includes a brief overview of current studio models and factors influencing future practice. It also provides a range of useful strategies for effective studio practice, a series of indicators that can be used and applied to assess good learning outcomes, and a summary of student reflections on what constitutes a 'successful studio'.
Case studies are included throughout to demonstrate and illustrate examples of good practice in Art, Architecture and Design studios throughout Australian institutions. A full list of case studies is also included for further reading.
This toolkit, along with the National Studio Teaching Forum: Enriching Creative Arts Learning to be held in Hobart, Tasmania in December 2009, serves as a vehicle for the dissemination of the findings and recommendations of the Studio Teaching Project. Academics involved in Art, Architecture and Design studio practice are encouraged to submit further case studies in the Contributions area, to promote an ongoing diagolue of ideas and good practice.