The Studio Teaching Project Final Report was submitted to the Australian Learning and Teaching Council in October 2009. The report contains detailed information about the study's aims, methodology and findings. Key themes addressed: What is studio? What models of studio are currently used? How has studio changed? Which approaches are most effective? and What key indicators can be used to assess good learning outcomes in studio? A series of recommendations is presented.
This report (to be read in conjunction with other volumes in the series) presents the aims, methodology and findings of the STP Academic Survey. A total of 352 Australian academics involved in studio teaching responded to the survey.
This report (to be read in conjunction with other volumes in the series) presents the aims, methodology and findings of the STP Head of School Survey. A total of 28 Heads of School (or Program) from Art, Architecture and Design Schools or Departments from 19 Australian Universities responded to the survey.
This volume contains a collection of case studies developed as part of the Studio Teaching Project. The case studies provide examples of effective practice and recent innovations in studio teaching in the discipline areas of Art, Architecture and Design in Australia. All case studies are also accessible individually in the toolkit section of this website.