Forum and journal publications, conference papers and annotated bibliography
Optimising Studio Outcomes: Guidelines for Curriculum Development from the Australian Studio Teaching ProjectRobert Zehner, Graham Forsyth, Barbara de la Harpe, Fiona Peterson, Elizabeth Musgrave, Douglas Neale and Noel Frankham, with Stephanie Wilson and Karin Watson. Paper presented at ConnectED 2010, 2nd International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, July 2010.
Assessment focus in studio: What is most prominent in Architecture, Art and Design?2009. de la Harpe, B., Peterson, F., Frankham, N., Zehner, R., Forsyth, G., Musgrave, E., Neale, D and McDermott., R. Assessment focus in studio: What is most prominent in architecture, art and design? The International Journal of Art and Design Education, Vol 28, No 1, 37-51.
This paper draws on 118 journal articles on studio practice published over the last decade in three disciplines (Art, Architecture and Design) to inform the focus of studio assessment for educators.
Over 100 academics attended this one-day forum to discuss challenges and opportunities they encounter in studio teaching in architecture, art and design. The focus of the day was to identify shared and contrasting approaches to studio and to begin to prioritise issues that arise in these disciplinary areas. This report is a compilation of the day's discussions and serves as a scoping exercise for further research on curriculum development in studio teaching.
Over 70 academics from 21 universities and colleges across Australia attended the 2008 Forum to examine the challenges and opportunities they encounter in studio teaching in architecture, art and design. These discussions drew on the issues discussed in the first National Forum on Studio Teaching held at the College of Fine Arts (COFA), University of New South Wales on 13 July 2007 and the publication proceedings National Forum on Studio Teaching (2007).
A model for holistic studio assessment in the creative disciplinesBarbara de la Harpe and Fiona Peterson
Some studio educators highlight that assessment of creative work throws up challenges because of the very complex nature of getting to the final 'creative' artefact. Whether assessment should focus on the 'process', the 'person' and/or the 'product' in the creative disciplines remains under debate today. This paper presents a model developed to guide holistic assessment in studio in Art, Architecture and Design.
This paper focuses on the preliminary results of an online survey of Australian academics about studio teaching. These results identify commonalities as well as differences across disciplines. The paper was prepared for presentation at the ACSP - AESOP Joint Congress, Chicago, Illinois (July 2008).
An annotated bibliography with a focus on student learning and teaching in the studio environment.